Tuesday 7 April 2009

Where we are is right where we want to be!!

Hey y'all!!!

I am bored off my face at work so I thought I would write a quick blog to let everyone know about the current situation of KD and what we are up to....

Lets talk about the debut full length shall we?

We are entering the studio on June 28th 2009, that's in no less than 76 days, not that I am counting down the days or anything! We are heading to the lovely town of Worcester to record with our old friend Jim Turner. You may remember Jim from his 4 string skills in Tribute To Nothing (if you don't know who they are, check them out) or his brilliant producing/ engineering techniques on many a UK emo/ pop punk/ hardcore release. We will be residing at his studios for a full two weeks while we try our hands at crafting a masterpiece of an album. Which we planning on releasing sometime during September/October maybe even venturing into early November depending on how quickly we can get everything together, i.e. Artwork, Promotion, Distribution, Mastering, Pressing..... ARGH SOOOO MUCH TO DO!!!!

So what does it sound like you say?

Well... so far we have about 13 songs, as in, in the whole life span of KD we have written about 13 songs together, shit that doesn't sound like a lot does it? And only 9 of which we have agreed are album worthy, so we still have a way to go, suddenly 76 days sounds scary.

Compared to the style of the EP (which is free to download btw) the writing style has kind of gone a little bit further in each direction. Some songs are alot poppier, some are rockier, there are softer parts, heavier parts. I am so excited for people to hear, it is unreal!!

So what else are we up to?

Well we are trying to play as few shows as possible so that we can get some good writing time in! However playing live is like an addiction, it is very hard to suddenly go cold turkey. So we are not some much giving up, just cutting down. We are also thinking it may be nice to keep up this idea of giving away free EPs, so we may, if we manage to sort it out, be recording an acoustic EP with 3 or 4 songs from both the album and EP just to give away free on the myspace/purevolume. What do think, good idea or bad idea? Answers on a postcard please! Not sure when this will happen, maybe in between recording the album and releasing it?

So thats about it, if you haven't already, download our free EP, pass it to your mates, put it on your ipod, put it on your sisters ipod, put it on your sisters mates ipod, put it on your mates sister, go on son!!!



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