Sunday 15 February 2009

Lil Civic Wolverhampton - 14/02/09

Last night we played an awesome show in Wolverhampton @ the lil civic!! We played with a local band called STRANGLE KOJAK!!

The show was SOLD OUT so there was loads of kids there which was awesome! Much love to the sound guy as he did a top job on our sound!

After we packed the van up we found that we had been boxed in by all of the securities cars! And after jokingly saying we would all pick up the cars and move them! One of the security came out shouting his mouth off saying we had dented his car and moved it from the side of the venue! After much arguing our case with this Idiot we ended up getting the police down and they soon moved out the way!!

Thats Right!!! You dont wanna F**K with KD cuz KD will F**KING Kill YOU!!!!

After the show we all went out to a club called the planet and continued to drink the Night away!!

Was a awesome night had by all!! Next show Birmingham, Barfly - March 5th!!!!


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