Thursday 12 February 2009

What Are We Up To??

Hey y'all!!

Mike told me he made this thing for the 4 of us to use so I thought I'd come try it out! I like it!

So I thought I'd update anyone that cares with the stuff we are doing at the moment......

  • We are writing an album of about 10 or 11 tracks, we haven't decided what we are calling it but we are entering the studio on 28th June for 14 staright days with Engineer/ Producer Jim Turner (Tribute To Nothing) to record what we think is going to be a corker! So far we have about 9 or so songs that are contenders for the album but we are going to write non stop until we enter and decide on the final 10/11 the week before we go in! We are playing the songs at shows, so if you are there and you hear a new song you like, tell us!
  • We are demoing songs for the album to show the label (Engineer Records) and also to show Jim Turner to give them an idea of what the album is going to be like, we may even post 1 or 2 on our myspace to show you guys!
  • We are booking a couple 'long weekend' tours with The Sketch, LYU and are new bestfriends Maycomb (who by the way are currently recording some damn fine demos which I had a sneeky peak of the other night)
  • We are having some nice promo pictures taken tonight so they should be on our myspace within a week or two.

Thats about it I think. Wow, my first proper blog. It was good for me, was it good for you? Let me know?


x Peace out bitches! x

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