Tuesday 3 November 2009

News, News And More News!!

Hey Guys!!

So we havnt posted anything for awhile on here so i thought i would give you the official Heads Up!! firstly a BIG Thank You to anyone that came to see us @ the Vans Off The Wall Night last Fri 30th Oct!! We had a blast and met some awesome bands too so thanks for watching and showing us the love!

Alot has been happening in the KD camp!! First off our album has been pressed now and a release date is being sorted as i am typing this blog! We will keep you in the know as soon as a date is confirmed its looking like a jan 2010 release tho!! you will be able to buy one with all ure xmas pennies! we will be planning an album release show once we know the date too so keep your eyes peeled for that!!

We have a brand new myspace page up now with our first single from the album "Id Give It All!" Go check it out at www.myspace.com/kyotodrive and enjoy!!

We have some tour dates up for nov/dec so go check the myspace for cities we will be at!!

More Big News Coming Soooon!!

love you all!


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