Friday 19 March 2010

Tour Update Day 1: Plymouth!!


So Day 1 of tour started well!!!! NOT!! Picked up my new cab which was ace then we went to PMT to buy some new leads and stuff! Which we got a pretty good discount on so thanks to all the guys at PMT!! Then it started to go down hill!

Driving past worcester i realised that i had forgotten to buy a Capo from PMT so we decided to drive to the nearest music shop which happened to be in Gloucester! This set us back about 45 mins!

Then 30 mins from Plymouth we lost all battery power in the van and it was obvious something was short circuiting from the battery! We had to call the breakdown out and he found out that one of the pipes had coroded away from resting against something HOT!! 10 mins later and some electrical tape and we were back on the road!

We made it to the Venue on time, which was awesome for us as we are late quite abit lol! sound checked and then sat out the long wait til we were on! The bands didnt start till 11:10 so we didnt get to play until 12ish! We played a great set and thanks to all the people that watched and danced! especially the two guys going mental at the back! Thanks for buying a t-shirt dude!!!

Made some new friends with a great band from plymouth called Dead Poets!! If you like Refused check them out

After the show and a good few beers we drove to a lay by near exeter and called it a day!!

We are currently sat in Weatherspoons across from the IBAR in Bounemouth where we are playing tonight!! If your coming down then come say hey and party with us!!

Love you all!

Mike, Chris, Binder & Mark!

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