Wednesday 24 March 2010

Tour update Days 2-6!!

Hey guys!!

Sorry for lack of updates on Tour!! We have a day off today so i will update you on all the goings on so far!!

Day 2! We woke up and drove to Bournemouth!! Loving the Great British weather which consisted of Rain and wind!! Sat in wetherspoons all day until the show!! we got to IBar and met the headline band Canada Water! who were real nice guys and waited for the show to start!! As soon as doors opened the place was rammed and we knew tonight was going to be a sick show!! the night consisted of drinking a lot of beer and google earth (searching wolverhampton mostly)! When it was time for our set the walls where dripping with sweat!! played an awesome set and even got the kids to do a wall of death in I'd Give It All!! Overall a sick show and the best of the tour so Far!!

Day 3! We were in Eastbourne and we decided to get up early so we can hit the beach! Again more Rain & Wind, but it was cool and we walked around the pier before meeting up with Duncan from My So Called Life who are on our label! Actually all the bands playing that evening where on Engineer Records! We went back to dunc's and drank a few beers before loading in to the venue!! As the night went on more and more people came thru the door including our Label Boss David Gamage & a reviewer from NME who after the show said that he loved us and we were going places! which we were stoked about! (Lets hope the review is a goodun aye!!) Overall Sick Show!!

Day 4! We were in the island of Sheerness just off Kent!! This place was a ghost town!! I mean nothing! NOT A BEAN!!!!! No Chain Pubs or Nothing!! We got there really early and walked along the beach again another pebal beach! Waited at the venue for like 4 hrs until about 5 then soundchecked and waited to play! the two local bands were hardcore bands and we wondered how we would go down but by the time we played the kids seemed to really get into it!! We also sold quite bit of merch which was awesome!! It was a weird one but a goodun most deffinitely!

Day 5! Camden Barfly! We drove into camden after showering at the services and waited to load in!! The Barfly was a sick venue and the sound guy was hillarious whilst checking the Mic's!! constantly speaking aye aye, ee ee, ah ah for about an hour! We soundchecked and waited upstairs in the dressing room!! Met a great bunch of guys from a band called We Sunk Atlantis! and hung out looking at Chat Roulette! (if you havnt checked that out its basically webcam multi chat to strangers which you can click on to the next person to speak to different people! Mostly dudes wanking off on Camera tho!! Its Fucking Weird!! Played the show went really well we got the kids to do a Human Pyramid and they also danced the Macarena which we were buzzin about!! After the show we headed into soho to a club called punk! Which had a night on called Anthem and it played some ace tunes like TBS, Brand New & Thursday!! After that we went back to my mate ross's house and chilled!

Day 6! We woke up to find that the van had gotten a ticked outside ross's house! so £60 gone from the band fund which was basically all the money we made from the previous night!! Left the house and walked round camden so mark could buy some comics!! we then drove to kingston and waited for the maycomb boys to arrive!! Loaded in, Soundchecked then chilled out until our set!! by time we went on the crowd had thinned out but the people that stayed had a great time and we really enjoyed the show!!

Now we are sat in a services outside of Kingston chillin!! Its our only day off on the tour and we are gonna drive to bath to hang out for the day before our show 2moro in Frome!! All being said every show of Tour has been awesome and we are having a fuckin ace time!! See you all soon!!

Mike, Chris, Binder & Mark!

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